A "Primary"
B "Secondary"
01. STEELRHODS KR 02. WireStrung GL 03. LUCY KB 04. Bell Clav BM 05. SLX 2\ SL 06. UNEX 1 KB 07. JinglKeys\ EGH 08. FROM 21 BM 09. BASS-E.P.3 KB 10. Don't Stop SL 11. MADONNER KB 12. ROCK COMP\ MM 13. Funkeys EGH 14. BIG E CLAV EGH 15. WA-CLAV JL GL 16. LV SPEAKS2 GL |
17. BOPAH EGH 18. Cowimba EGH 19. BsWislBlk\ EGH 20. Angels EGH 21. TYPHOID KB 22. BRASSERODE EGH 23. ESINGRODES EGH 24. USELESS 1 KB 25. Indewoods EGH 26. STEEL PAN EGH 27. Deep Bass EGH 28. VICE BASS! EH 29. K-BASS KB 30. Eeebass EGH 31. MOOG BASS1 MF 32. AnBass#3RM BM |
01. OLDFIELd BT 02. TRELAWNEY KB 03. FSHRWHISTL EGH 04. SteamBoys\ EGH 05. PHASESWEEP MF 06. Chinese EGH 07. DIGI STG 1 KR 08. METHENY FM 09. HIPBRSHRNS FM 10. MonkHorn BM 11. HARMONY BT 12. SPECTRUM 2 MF 13. BigNotch BM 14. Palladium BM 15. Palladium2 BM 16. BsPad \ BM |
17. Sync3Sound BM 18. TOUGH EGH 19. KennyKeys KR 20. Kalimbay EGH 21. INDIAGONGS BM 22. GAMELAN BM 23. PotsAnPans BM 24. 1 BELLTREE BM 25. Beefdrums EGH 26. SumDrum EGH 27. A SOUND BM 28. FLUTTRBLOK EGH 29. SYNTHBOYS\ EGH 30. YAY 2 KB 31. Bugs&Birds GL 32. CHOPPER! EGH |
"Best of the USA" Associate Programmers' Bios & Name Abbreviations:
Bill Monk
is an accomplished keyboardist and synthesist with an uncanny knack for
nomenclature. He currently reigns over the southeastern United States. BM
Manny Fernandez is a composer, synthesist and dentist from Los Angeles. Though generally harmless to society, he has been known to do impossible things such as create true-split patches for the original DX7. Enjoys and has an extensive background in both analog and digital synthesis, but given a choice, would rather make lasagna. MF
Gary Leuenberger's many
credits include being one of the programmers for the original DX7 voice
library. Besides maintaining his high profile as a DX7
expert, Gary owns and operates a Yamaha franchise retail store in San Francisco. GL
Erik G.Hanson is
a producer, songwriter and synthesist. As a synthesist, besides being
active with major recording projects, Erik has created numerous
synthesizer voice collections which are available through Key Clique,Inc. and other manufacturers. EGH
Steve Leonard is a professional keyboardist and recording artist who has touring internationally. A senior software engineer at Syntauri, currently he has ten MIDI programs available. He authored the "Computers for Keyboardists" column in Keyboard Magazine. SL
Ken Rarick, formerly the keyboardist for Air Supply, is currently a top call studio synthesist and producer in the greater Los Angeles area. KR
Mike McKnight is a professional keyboardist and published songwriter. Originally from Virginia, he is currently based in Los Angeles. MM
Frank Macchia is a multi-talented musician, composer and orchestrator currently residing in San Francisco. Since graduating from Berklee College of Music in Boston, he has produced his own album, performed with such jazz greats as Chuck Mangione, Clare Fisher, Jimmy Giuffre, and the like, and has received recognition as a composer from such notables as the San Francisco Symphony and the National Endowment for the Arts. FM
Eric Hurtig is currently working in New York City as a professional recording engineer and synthesizer programmer for/album and television media projects. EH
Kurt Blederwolf was the first graduate of Berklee College of Music's critically acclaimed Music Synthesis major in 1986. Currently he is a member of the Music Synthesis Faculty at Berklee, is a professional synthesist in the greater Bostonarea, and has also been working for Kurzweil Music Systems, Inc. KB
Bill Tonkersley could not be located for his bio. (Bill call us!) BT
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