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C O M M E R C I A L   S O U N D B A N K S

Bobby cards

Here is a repertory including actual and discontinued commercial soundbanks that I collected since 20 years from ROM cartridges, floppy disks or the web.
For each of them you'll find comments about company or sounddesigner and a detailed patchlist. Several of them also include image(s) from the original support.
This collection is not complete, if you have material that is not listed here, I would be largely interested in.


This page is organized in two sections:
1°/ ROM cartridges & floppy disks collection
2°/ Missing soundbanks (I mean the material that I'm still searching for...)


At first, you must know that all soundbanks listed on my JD-800 commercial soundbanks webpage are compatible with the JD-990 synth module and can be loaded into it.
But before it, you have to convert the JD-800 files with a patch conversion utility

To do it successfully, original JD-800 soundbanks must be in sysex (*.syx) or SMF (*.mid) file formats.

Several companies also commercialized soundbanks especially dedicated to the JD-990. They are listed above.

Companies/distributers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate societies which are still selling JD-990 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files).
Cesium SoundConforceEasy SoundsGreytsounds
Kid Nepro
LFO StoreRhythm Lab
Roland Saga Musix Sound Source Unlimited
Sounds Of Revolution Soundsauca

Sounddesigners/programmers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate sounddesigners who are still selling JD-990 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files).
Hotop, MichaelKlimenko, NickLim, ChungLongo, NickOtton, Michael
Pigeon, Stéphane
Polich, DaveReynolds, James
Schlesinger, Andrew Schmitt, Oliver
Scott, AdrianSolaris, Don Versalife

Downloadable soundbanks are available in standard Sysex (*.syx), SMF (*.mid) and Midi Quest© (*.Bnk) file formats.
Click here if you need some help or indications on how to transfer these soundbanks to your JD-990

Roland produced and distributed 3 ROM cards (JD9D-**) for his own synth programmed by independant sounddesigners.
 Internal factory preload soundbankPatchlist
 Internal Preset A preload soundbankPatchlist
 Internal Preset B preload soundbankPatchlist
 JD9D-1 "Modern Masters" (programmed by A. Schlesinger)PatchlistImage

 JD9D-2 "Modern Sonics" (programmed by S. Pigeon)PatchlistImage

 JD9D-3 "Oz Perspective" (programmed by A. Scott & C. Lim)PatchlistImage

SSU is an american society (Westlake Village, California) which developed complete sounds/samples libraries for a large collection of diverse synthesizers/samplers models.
It gathers a large team of programmers and sounddesigners (see their respective profiles here).
Their products were distributed by Greytsounds™ (Northridge, California - owner: Bob Grey) via their website since the mid 90's.
Sound Source Unlimited (SSU) was then renamed "Sound Source Interactive" (SSI).

Now it has moved to the "Great Sounds" website (Simi Valley, California - owner: Bob Grey) and soundbanks are only available as sysex files (no more ROM/RAM cards).
 They also sell their products via their eBay store.

There were a total of 7 ROM cards initially programmed for the JD-800. They converted six of it that they distributed for the JD-990.
The five soundbanks listed above were originally programmed for the JV-80 synth model.
They also converted it and distributed it for the JD-990.
 JD901 "Country/Acoustic Folk"PatchlistImageOrder It
 JD902 "Animated Textures" (programmed by D. Polich)PatchlistImageOrder It
 JD903 "R&B Synths"PatchlistImageOrder It
 JD904 "Hybrid Textures" (programmed by A. Schlesinger)               PatchlistImageOrder It
 JD905 "Sequencer Companion"  PatchlistImageOrder It

Michael Hotop is a german sounddesigner (Osnabrück) who programmed and sold soundbanks for several synths during the 80's-90's.
He produced a total of 3 different ROM cards for the JD-990, added to the 7 ones programmed for JD-800. So, numerotation begins at "8".
Volume 10 "Magical Wishes" needs the Roland SR-JV80-01 "Pop" expansion board card installed to function correctly.
 SoundSet8 "Shinody"  Patchlist
 SoundSet9 "Pop Collection"  Patchlist
 SoundSet10 "Magical Wishes"  (needs the SR-JV80-01 "Pop" expansion board card installed)Patchlist

Kid Nepro Productions is an american company (Brooklyn, New York - owner: Steve Proto) which is developing products since 1984.
They edited nine JD-990 ROM cards in the past with some particularities:
Volume 7 "Pop EX Collection" needs the Roland SR-JV80-01 "Pop" expansion board card installed to function correctly
- Volume 8 "Vintage EX Collection" needs the Roland SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card installed to function correctly
- Volume 9 "Best of JD-990 Series" is a volumes 1-6 compilation
 Vol.1 "House Mix"Patchlist
 Vol.2 "Classic Synths"Patchlist
 Vol.3 "Pop/R&B Mix" Patchlist
 Vol.4 "Soundtrack/Film Mix" Patchlist
 Vol.5 "New Age/R&B Collection" Patchlist
 Vol.6 "Rock/Pop Collection" Patchlist
 Vol.7 "Pop EX Collection" (needs the SR-JV80-01 "Pop" expansion board card installed)Patchlist
 Vol.8 "Vintage EX Collection" (needs the SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card installed)Patchlist
 Vol.9 "Best of JD-990 Series" (volumes 1-6 compilation)Patchlist

Conforce is the website from Dutch producer Versalife (Terschelling, Netherlands - owner: Boris Bunnik). He programmed soundbanks for hardware or software synths and is proposing a JD-990 soundbank published in 2020. This soundbank needs the Roland SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card installed to function correctly
 "Vintage Expansion Presets" (needs the SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card installed)PatchlistOrder It

Easy Sounds is a german society (Hamburg - owner: Peter Krischker) which produced three Roland JD-990 soundbanks with a particularity: volume named "Classic Analog" was edited in two versions. First one was programmed to use only internal waveforms and second one was programmed to function with the Roland SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card.
 "Digital Fascination"Patchlist
 "Classic Analog" (Standard)Patchlist
 "Classic Analog" (Vintage - needs the SR-JV80-04 "Vintage Synth" expansion board card installed)Patchlist

Cesium Sound™ is an american company (Berkeley, California - owner: Nick Longo) which produced an original five JD-990 soundbanks set. All have been programmed by Nick.
 Volume 1 "Keyboards, Basses, Guitars, Lead Synths" (programmed by N. Longo)Patchlist
 Volume 2 "Analog And Techno" (programmed by N. Longo)Patchlist
 Volume 3 "Bells, Harps, Mallets, Percussive Synths" (programmed by N. Longo)Patchlist
 Volume 4 "Atmospheric Space, Film Textures" (programmed by N. Longo)Patchlist
 Volume 5 "Strings, Brass, Winds, Orchestral" (programmed by N. Longo)Patchlist

Don Solaris is a professional sounddesigner who is working for Roland, Waldorf, Arturia and Novation. He programmed a JD-990 soundbank that he is selling via his website.
 "Patches Soundset" (programmed by D. Solaris)PatchlistOrder It

Sounds Of Revolution is a german society (Untermerzbach, owner: Oliver Schmitt) which is now working with Resonance website. They produced a JD-990 soundbank (programmed by Oliver).
 "Revolution JD-990" (programmed by O. Schmitt)PatchlistOrder It

Soundsauca is a british website (owner: Michael Otton) which is developing sounddesigning and electronic music. He is proposing a JD-990 soundbank (programmed by Michael).
"Superluminal" (programmed by M. Otton)PatchlistOrder It

LFO Store is a russian website which is proposing soundbanks for hardware and software synths.
They produced five JD-990 soundbanks.
 "Vintage Soul" (programmed by Nick Klimenko)PatchlistOrder It
 "Symbiosis" (programmed by Nick Klimenko)PatchlistOrder It
 "Explorations Vol.1" (programmed by Saga Musix)PatchlistOrder It
 "Stroboscope" (programmed by Rhythm Lab)PatchlistOrder It
 "Explorations Vol.2" (programmed by Saga Musix)PatchlistOrder It

James Reynolds is an american sounddesigner who programmed for the Sound Source Unlimited company.
He edited a JD-800 soundbank named "Atmos & FX
" and distributed it himself (you can find it on Reverb.com). He also converted it for the Roland JD-990 with an additional perc setup.
 "Atmos & FX" PatchlistOrder It

Bobby cards


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