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C O M M E R C I A L   S O U N D B A N K S

Bobby Cards

Here is a repertory including actual and discontinued commercial soundbanks that I collected since over 25 years from ROM cartridges or floppy disks.
For each of them you'll find comments about company or sounddesigner and a detailed patchlist. Several of them also include image(s) from the original support.
This collection is not complete, if you have material that is not listed here, I would be largely interested in.


This page is organized in two sections:
1°/ ROM cartridges & floppy disks collection
2°/ Missing soundbanks (I mean the material that I'm still searching for...)


Companies/distributers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate societies which are still selling M1 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files)
ARKBack In Time RecordsBAP-SoftwareCommand Development
Digital Music Soft Ware
Easy SoundsElectron Artistries EMC Eye & I Productions GreenHouse Sound
GreytsoundsHit Music Productions
InVision Interactive Ishibashi K.S.R.E. Music
Käng-Kong ProductionsKey Clique Kid Nepro Productions Kinnetic FX Korg
Leister ProductionsLETHOS Production LFO Store Livewire Audio M.U.G.
ManyMIDI ProductsMetra Sound Mr. Magic
MSP Musitronics
New Man StudiosOff The Matrix
PA-Decoder Patch Pro Patch/Works Music Software
Patchman MusicPro Music
Pro-Rec Rittor Music
Soft Sound Sound Art Sound Foundation Sound Hound Software Sound Source Unlimited
SoundEngine Sounds OK SoundSations! SynthastiX Synthetic Poductions
Synthonia Synthware Technosis Valhala Voice Crystal

Sounddesigners/programmers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate sounddesigners who are still selling M1 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files)
Boeckler, MikeCampanella, RobEaglechild, ChrisFukuda, YasuhikoGorges, Peter
Groves, LeeHooper, Ralph
Hotop. MichaelKlimenko, Nick
Klimisch, Thomas
Krischker, PeterMaass, HubertusMalacrida, ChiccioMöhlmann, DetlevOrtega, Angel
Ogawa, FumiakiPeake, MikePenny, VincentPolich, DaveRausch, Klaus-Peter
Roberts, NikShinoda, MotokazuSchlesinger, AndrewTomlyn, BoUbukata, Noritaka
Verret, ScottWalker, GregWarmers, VolkerWaever, JedWells, Paul

Downloadable soundbanks are available in standard Sysex (*.syx), SMF (*.mid) and Midi Quest© (*.sqc) file formats
Click here if you need some help or indications on how to transfer these soundbanks to your M1/M1R

Korg produced and distributed three different series of ROM cards for their M1 synths:
a) MPC-0** Series which contained Internal factory preload soundbanks
b) MPC-1* Series which contained original new soundbanks (3 volumes)
c) MSC-** Series which were double cards sets: one with an original new soundbank, the other one with new internal PCMs (16 volumes)
 M1/M1R Internal factory preload soundbank (MPC-00P ROM card)PatchlistImage
 M1/M1R Internal factory preload sequences (MPC-00S ROM card)PatchlistImage
 M1 EX/M1R EX Internal factory preload soundbank (MPC-0EX ROM card)PatchlistImage
 MPC-11 "Akira" PatchlistImage

 MPC-12 "World Omnibus" PatchlistImage

 MPC-13 "Bunmay"  (programmed by Fumiaki "Bunmay" Ogawa)PatchlistImage

 MPC-P01 "Rhythm/Standard"  (No Combis/No Progrs - pre-programmed drum Patterns)PatchlistImage

 MSC-1S double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 MSC-2S "Synth 1" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Peter Schwartz)PatchlistImage

 MSC-3S "Drums 1" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-4S "Orchestral 1" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-5S "Piano" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-6S "Fretted Insts 1" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-7S "Synth 2" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Time Base)PatchlistImage

 MSC-8S "Percussion" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-9S "Organ" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

 MSC-10S "Ethnic 1" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Synthetic Productions)PatchlistImage

 MSC-11S "Brass" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Ted Alexander)PatchlistImage

 MSC-12S "Synth 3" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Time Base)PatchlistImage

 MSC-13S "Ethnic 2" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Sound Atelier)PatchlistImage

 MSC-14S "Sound Effects" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Sound Atelier)PatchlistImage

 MSC-15S "Drums 2" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Data Times)PatchlistImage

 MSC-16S "Environment" double ROM cards set (50 Combis/50 Progrs - by Sound Atelier)PatchlistImage

SSU is an american society (Westlake Village, California) which developed complete sounds/samples libraries for a large collection of diverse synthesizers/samplers models.
It gathers a large team of programmers and sounddesigners (see their respective profiles here).
Their products were distributed by Greytsounds™ (Northridge, California - owner: Bob Grey) via their website since the mid 90's.
Sound Source Unlimited (SSU) was then renamed "Sound Source Interactive" (SSI).

Now it has moved to the "Great Sounds" website (Simi Valley, California - owner: Bob Grey) and soundbanks are only available as sysex files (no more ROM/RAM cards).
 They also sell their products via their eBay store.

There were a total of 9 ROM cards for the M1.
 M101R "New World Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 M102R "Film Textures"PatchlistImageOrder It
 M103R "Synthesizer Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 M104R "New Age Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 M105R "Pop/Rock Collection, Vol.1" (also distributed by SoundEngine, Technosis & Käng-Kong)               PatchlistImageOrder It
 M106R "MASTERAM 100" (originally distributed by Synthetic Productions as the "MASTERAM Vol.1")PatchlistImageOrder It
 M107R "Classical Organs, Vol.1"PatchlistImageOrder It
 M108R "Country/Acoustic FolkPatchlistImageOrder It
 M109R "Pop/Rock Collection, Vol.2"PatchlistImageOrder It

PA-Decoder is a german company (Bielefeld) which produced two M1 ROM cards.
 Volume I Patchlist
 Volume IIPatchlist

Bo Tomlyn is an american musician who worked with famous artists during the 80's-90's (Prince, Lionel Richie, Pat Benatar, Bruce Springsteen, Cher, Chicago,...) as keyboardist or synth programmer.
He edited three ROM cards for the Korg M1:
volume 1 contains 100 Progrs/100 Combis as volumes 2&3 were labelized "Mini ROM" (50 Progrs/50 Combis each). These three ROM cards were also distributed by Key Clique (Studio City, California) - the Bo Tomlyn's company - as the "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.1-3". They were distributed in Japan by Rittor Music as the "Synthe Valley" (Vol.1) and "Big Lizards" (Vol.2 & 3 compiled in one 100 Progrs/100 Combis soundbank) ROM cards. These soundbanks are now distributed via the Web by SoundArt as sysex files.
 Volume 1 (known as the KeyClique "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.1" & Rittor Music KV-092 "Synthe Valley")PatchlistOrder It
 Volume 2 (known as the KeyClique "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.2" & Rittor Music KV-094 "Big Lizards" - 50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistOrder It
 Volume 3 (known as the KeyClique "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.3" & Rittor Music KV-094 "Big Lizards" - 50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistOrder It

Leister Productions is an american company (Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania - owner: Frank Leister) which edited soundbanks for several 80's synths models.
They produced one M1 ROM card.
 Leister Productions "Sounds"PatchlistImage

Michael Hotop is a german sounddesigner (Osnabrück) who programmed and sold soundbanks for several synths during the 80's-90's.
Most of his sets have been distributed in Japan by ARK. He produced at least 4 different ROM cards for the M1. "Synthetic & Pop" soundbank (programmed by Oshima & Michael Hotop) is still missing to my collection. 
Any informations or - best of all! -  a sysex version of this soundbank are welcome!

 "Europe Set" (known in Japan as the ARK/Source "HotopSounds Vol.3" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Studio Set" (known in Japan as the ARK/Source "HotopSounds Vol.2" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Studio & Performance" (50 Combis/50 Progrs)Patchlist

Valhala is a well-known american company (Ferndale, Michigan) which unfortunately went bankrupt on the early 90's.
They edited three different Korg M1 ROM cards Series: "Studio Series", "International Gold Series" and "ORGANizer Series".
"Studio Series" & "International Gold Series" gathered 4 ROM cards each. "ORGANizer" Series gathered 2 ROM cards.
"International Gold Series" sounds volume B-101 to B-103 were developed by Hit Music Productions (England, Farnham) and also distributed by Sound Foundation as the Gold ROM Cards Series.
"ORGANizer Series" ROM cards are dedicated to organ sounds only.

 Studio Series M101 "Top 40"PatchlistImage
 Studio Series M102 "Classic"PatchlistImage
 Studio Series M103 "New Age"PatchlistImage
 Studio Series M104 "Rock"PatchlistImage
 International Gold Series B-101 (Mix#1: Atmospheric/Textures - Programmed by Lee Groves - Also distributed by Sound Foundation)PatchlistImage
 International Gold Series B-102 (Mix#2: Euro Techno-Pop/House/Film - Programmed by Lee Groves - Also distributed by Sound  Foundation)PatchlistImage
 International Gold Series B-103 (Mix#3: British Influenced/Tech-Pop - Programmed by Lee Groves - Also distributed by Sound  Foundation)PatchlistImage
 International Gold Series B-104 (Mix#4: ??)PatchlistImage
 ORGANizer Series "Classic"PatchlistImage
 ORGANizer Series "Screamin' B3"PatchlistImage

Kid Nepro Productions is an american company (Brooklyn, New York - owner: Steve Proto) which is developing products since 1984.
They edited four M1 ROM cards in the past, and commercialized a sysex/SMF volume 5 in 2005. This last one contains 100 Programs only (no Combis).
 Volume 1 "Mixed Bag A"Patchlist
 Volume 2 "Mixed Bag B"Patchlist

 Volume 3 "Classic Synths"Patchlist
 Volume 4 "Acoustic Mix"Patchlist

 Volume 5 "Killer Keyboards" (100 Progrs/no Combis)Patchlist

GreenHouse Sound is an american company (Nappanee, Indiana) which produced a ROM card for the M1 labeled "GHS-001".
 Volume 1 (distributed in Europe by Käng-Kong as the "Sound Collection 3" soundbank)PatchlistImage

I collected one M1 ROM card from this japanese company, which seems to be the continuation of ARK society. All are labeled "Source" with a specific logo on it.
I know that they produced at least another M1 ROM card named "Drum Phrase" which includes 99 drum patterns.
Any informations or - best of all! -  sysex versions about eventual other volumes from this collection are welcome!

 Source "Studio Sound Vol.1" (also distributed by ARK as the "Volume 1")PatchlistImage

I collected three M1 ROM cards from this japanese company. They essentially distributed in Asia soundbanks from german top sounddesigner Michael Hotop.
ll are labeled "Source" with a specific logo on it.
Any informations (or sysex versions) about other volumes from this collection are welcome!

 Source "Volume 1" (also known as the Digital Music SoftWare "Studio Sound Vol.1" )PatchlistImage
 Source "Hotopsounds Vol.2" (distributed in Europe as the Michael Hotop's "Studio Set" )PatchlistImage
 Source "Hotopsounds Vol.3" (distributed in Europe as the Michael Hotop's "Europe Set" )PatchlistImage

Rittor Music is a japanese company (Tokyo) which distributed ROM cards and also edited interesting books about synthesis.
As far as I know, they produced four M1 ROM cards. Their set included Bo Tomlyn's/KeyClique soundbanks.

 "Volume 1 - Nama Fuku" (programmed by N. Ubukata & Y. Fukuda) PatchlistImage
 KV-092 "Synthe Valley" (known as the KeyClique "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.1" or Bo Tomlyn's "Volume 1") PatchlistImage
 KV-093 "Polychromy" (programmed by M. Shinoda) PatchlistImage
 KV-094 "Big Lizards" (known as the KeyClique "L.A. Studio Hits Vol.2&3" or Bo Tomlyn's "Volumes 2&3") PatchlistImage

Synthetic Productions is an american society (New York - owner: Andrew Schlesinger) which distributed ROM/RAM cards as the MASTERAM Series.
Copyrights have certainly then been sold to Sound Source Unlimited.
SSU added 49 Combis and included it in their set as the M-106 "MASTERAM 100" ROM card.

 "MASTERAM Vol.1" (also known as the Sound Source Unlimited M-106 "MASTERAM 100" - 51 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImage

Pro-Rec is an american society (San Diego, California) which is selling a large collection of soundbanks for several synths.
They produced four Korg M1 ROM cards.
 M1-1 "Super Dance"PatchlistImage
 M1-2 "Super M Synth"PatchlistImage
 M1-3 "Filmtexture"PatchlistImage
 M1-4 "M1 Natural"PatchlistImage

Back In Time Records is a german society (Wiesbaden - owner: Klaus-Peter Rausch) which is distributing via the Web soundbanks for hardware or virtual synths and samples collections.
They produced two soundbanks for the Korg M1 (programmed by Klaus-Peter Rausch) labeled "Mr. Magic" and also distributed by Käng-Kong Productions.

 "Silver Pieces" (programmed by K.-P. Rausch/originally distributed by Käng-Kong - 50 Combis/100 Progrs)Patchlist
 "Technologics" (programmed by K.-P. Rausch/originally distributed by Käng-Kong - 50 Combis/100 Progrs)Patchlist

InVision Interactive is an american society (Scotts Valley, California) which developed an M1 ROM card named "M1 Plus 1" and based on 4 megs of additional new PCMs especially custom made by InVision. This card came with a chip with the PCMs stored on it and that you had to install into your M1.
 "M1 Plus 1"PatchlistImage

Voice Crystal™ is an american company (Oakley, California - owners: Mark Wiens & Paul Chasteen) which is selling all Eye&I Productions products.
They are proposing five M1 ROM cards. Volume 5 has been firstly distributed by Sound Hound as the "M-Factor" ROM card.
 "Volume 1" (50 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Volume 2" (50 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Volume 3" (50 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Volume 4" (50 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Volume 5" (originally distributed by Sound Hound as the "M-Factor" - 51 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImageOrder It

EMC is a german company (Bergisch Gladbach - owner: Klaus Grosser) which started as a recording studio which developed and sold in the late 80's Atari editors for various synths (about 25 until 1994). They are now proposing styles collections for diverse keyboards.
They distributed in the past an Atari M1 bankloader/sounds editor program with three original soundbanks included in.
They also proposed a soundbank named "Sonic Seasons"  (programmed by Hubertus Maass) which is still missing to my collection.
 Any informations or - best of all! -  a sysex version of this soundbank are welcome!
 "Volume 1"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 2"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 3" PatchlistImage

Metra Sound is a german company (Köln) which produced seven M1 ROM cards.
Their products are now delivered by Sound Art website (Dahlenburg, Germany - owner: Roger Person).
 SC-01 "Standards" (programmed by Peter Gorges)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-02 "Modern Times" (programmed by Chiccio Malacrida)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-03 "Hit Waves" (programmed by Greg Walker) PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-04 "Actual" (programmed by Mike Boeckler) PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-05 "GM Sounds" (25 Combis/100 Progrs) PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-06 "Vintage" (programmed by Nik Roberts - 50 Combis/100 Progrs) PatchlistImageOrder It
 SC-07 "Fantasy" (programmed by Paul Wells) PatchlistImageOrder It

Patch Pro is an american society (Conowingo, Maryland) which produced and distributed four ROM cards for the M1 as the "KROM-Series".
Volumes 3 and 4 are still missing to my collection. Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 KROM1 PatchlistImage

SoundEngine is an american society (Seattle, Washington - owner: Scott Peer) which is apparently selling now - among others - products developed in the past by Technosis company.
They are proposing two M1 soundbanks named "Pro Select#1&2" (certainly programmed by Mike Peake).
 SEP-018 "Pro Select #1" (also distributed by Technosis, SSU & Käng-Kong)                           PatchlistOrder It
 SEP-019 "Pro Select #2(also distributed by Technosis)      PatchlistOrder It

K.S.R.E. Music is a german company which produced one M1 ROM card named "ROMboy" (programmed by Thomas Klimisch).
This soundbank was also distributed by Käng-Kong Productions as the "Entertainment" soundbank.

 ROMboy (programmed by Thomas Klimisch - also distributed by Käng-Kong as the "Entertainment" soundbank)PatchlistImage

Easy Sounds is a german society (Hamburg - owner: Peter Krischker) which produced a total of two M1 soundbanks.
 "Universal Collection" (programmed by Peter Krischker)Patchlist
 "Digital Fascination"  (programmed by Peter Krischker - 50 Combis/50 Progrs)Patchlist

Synthware is an american company (Reading, Pennsylvania) which commercialized an M1 ROM card in the late 80's as the "Sound Pack" (or "Voice Pack") Series.
All have been programmed by Scott Verret.
They have been distributed for a while these last years as sysex files via the Waterfall 440 Studio Music website, but it seems now that they are definitively no longer available.
 Studio Sound Pack 100  (programmed by Scott Verret - 56 Combis/100 Progrs)PatchlistImage

BAP-Software is a german company (owner: Detlev Möhlmann) which developed a Korg M1 sounds editor for PC.
They also proposed a special soundbank named "Big Mix 1" (programmed by Detlev).
 "Big Mix 1" (programmed by Detlev Möhlmann)PatchlistImage

Hit Music Productions is an english society (Farnham) which distributed Sound Foundation Gold card Series (the famous well designed ROM cards with the hologram on it).
Volumes 1-3 from this collection were also sold by Valhala as the International Gold B-101 to B-103 soundbanks.
(Many thanks to Glyn Spaulding and Lee Groves for their contributions).
 "Gold Vol.1" (programmed by Lee Groves - Also known as the Valhala International Gold B-101)PatchlistImage
 "Gold Vol.2" (programmed by Lee Groves - Also known as the Valhala International Gold B-102)PatchlistImage
 "Gold Vol.3" (programmed by Lee Groves - Also known as the Valhala International Gold B-103)PatchlistImage

Kinnetic FX is an american society (city? owner?) which is selling diverse Korg M&T-Series products (softwares, RAM cards).
They are also proposing an original M1 soundbank which is an electric/pipe organs compilation.

 "Maximum Organ !" (100 Progrs only)PatchlistImage

Sound Art is a german company (Dahlenburg, owner: Roger Person) which developed:
 - seven Korg M1 specific soundbanks
- two special sets (certainly elaborated by Angel Ortega)
They are also distributing now Metra Sound products via their website.

 "Standard" (100 Progrs/no Combis)Patchlist
Order It
 "Extreme" (100 Progrs/no Combis)Patchlist
Order It
 "Art & Sounds" ("Standard" & "Extreme" soundbanks mix - 100 Progrs/no Combis)  Patchlist
Order It
 "Art & Sounds+" (same as "Art & Sounds" with 100 Combis added) Patchlist
Order It
 "Original+" (internal factory soundbank with 100 new original Combis) PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Experiment 2010"Patchlist
Order It
 "Classic 2010" (200 Progrs/no Combis)Patchlist
Order It
 "Ultra" soundbanks set (10x100 Progrs/no Combis)Patchlist
Order It
 "Nice Prize" soundbanks set (2x100 Combis/15x100 Progrs) Patchlist
Order It

Technosis is an american company (Studio City, California - owner: Mike Peake) which produced two original M1 ROM cards programmed by Mike.
They are now distributed by SSU (Greytsounds) and SoundEngine.
 "Pro Select#1" (also distributed by SoundEngine, SSU & Käng-Kong)PatchlistImageOrder It
 "Pro Select#2" (also distributed by SoundEngine)PatchlistImageOrder It

Soft Sound is a german company (Berlin, owner: Manfred Regenberg) which produced two M1 soundbanks.
 Their products were also distributed by LETHOS-Production (Berlin, owner: Mirko Lüthge) during the mid 90's.
(Many thanks to Glynn Spaulding and Mirko Lüthge for their contributions).
 "Volume 1" (22 Combis/100 Progrs)Patchlist
 "Volume 2" (13 Combis/100 Progrs)Patchlist

Electron Artistries is an american society (Franklin, Ohio) which produced diverse type of Korg M1 ROM cards:
- "Sound Set 1" (49 Combis/50 progrs) & "Sound Set 2" (100 Combis/100 Progrs)
- "Drum Patterns" which contains drum kits and 150 pre-programmed rhythmic patterns
- "Sounds Patterns" (10 Combis/24 Progrs/Sounds demo)
- "M1 Sky Album" Series (3 cards) wich contain new sequences demo (these cards need the "Sound Set 1" ROM card as sounds sources)
I personally got the "Sound Set 2" only. Any informations about others or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 "Sound Set 2"PatchlistImage

Patch/Works Music Software is an american society (New York - owner: Jed Weaver) which produced an M1 ROM card programmed by Jed as the "M-SPECTRUM" Series.
 M-Spectrum "Volume 1" (programmed by Jed Weaver - 50 Combis/50 Progrs)PatchlistImage

Ishibashi is a japanese company which seems to be at first a retail chain in Japan (around 15 stores - please, correct me if I'm wrong).
They produced an M1 ROM card named "Osaka Anniversary".
 "Osaka Anniversary"PatchlistImage

Livewire Audio is an american society (Oceanport, New Jersey) which produced three Korg M1 ROM cards as the "Dreams" Series.
 "Dreams Vol.1"PatchlistImage
 "Dreams Vol.2"PatchlistImage
 "Dreams Vol.3"PatchlistImage

SoundSations! is an american company (Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan) which is proposing a five banks set on floppy disk.
The best way to obtain it, is to keep an eye from time to time on eBay US auctions.
 "Volume 1"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 2"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 3"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 4"PatchlistImage
 "Volume 5"PatchlistImage

Patchman Music is an american company (Brecksville, Ohio - owner: Matt Traum) which is distributing an M1 soundbank integrally programmed for a wind controller use.
 "Wind Controller#1"PatchlistOrder It

Sounds OK is an english society (Camberley) which produced at least one M1 ROM card named "77% Synths" (programmed by Paul Wells).
 "77% Synths" (programmed by Paul Wells)PatchlistImage

MSP (Mega Sound Production) is a german society (Mönchengladbach) managed by Volker Warmers, a sympathic synths lover (many thanks to him for his contribution).
They are proposing an M1 soundbank named "Glorious M1" (programmed by Volker Warmers).
 "Glorious M1" (programmed by Volker Warmers - 100 Progrs/no Combis)PatchlistOrder It

Käng-Kong Productions is a german company (Gielsdorf, owner: Thomas Klimisch) which produced several M1 soundbanks:
- they originally distributed the Back In Time Records soundbanks (programmed by Klaus-Peter Rausch).
- they distibuted in Europe diverse soundbanks produced by american companies ("SoundCollection" Series).
- "Entertainement" soundbank (programmed by Thomas) was also distributed by K.S.R.E. Music as the "ROMboy" ROM card.
I'm still searching for the "Synthetic" soundbank produced by this company.
Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 "Entertainment" (programmed by Thomas Klimisch - also known as the K.S.R.E. "ROMboy" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 "Sound Collection 1" (also distributed by Technosis, SoundEngine & SSU)Patchlist
 "Sound Collection 2" (also distributed by New Man Studios as the "Blue" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Sound Collection 3" (also distributed by GreenHouse as the "Volume 1" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Sound Collection 4" (also distributed by New Man Studios as the "Red" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Sound Collection 5" (also distributed by New Man Studios as the "Green" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Sound Collection 6" Patchlist
 U-Cartridge "Allein Unterhalter" (many thanks to Pete South and Glyn Spaulding for their contribution)

New Man Studios is an american company (Dallas, Oregon - owner: James Newman) which produced at least three M1 ROM cards: a blue one, a green one and a red one.
Any additional informations about it are welcome!
 Blue ROM card (distributed in Europe by Käng-Kong as the "Sound Collection 2" soundbank)Patchlist
 Green ROM card (distributed in Europe by Käng-Kong as the "Sound Collection 5" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 Red ROM card (distributed in Europe by Käng-Kong as the "Sound Collection 4" soundbank)PatchlistImage

Sound Hound Software is an american society (San Jose, California - owner: Rob Campanella) which produced one M1 ROM card named "M-Factor" (programmed by Rob).
This soundbank has then been distributed by Voice Crystal as the "Volume 5" ROM card.
 "M-Factor" (51 Combis/50 Progrs - programmed by Rob Campanella - also distributed by Voice Crystal as the "Volume 5")PatchlistImage

M.U.G. (International Mirage Users Group) is an american company (Yonkers, NewYork) which produced a total of twelve M1 soundbanks.
 "City Streets" Patchlist
 "Night Lights" Patchlist
 "Expression" Patchlist
 "Overtones" Patchlist
 "Slow Magic" Patchlist
 "Back'n Time" Patchlist
 "Drums & Percussion" Patchlist
 "New World" Patchlist
 "Documentary" Patchlist
 "Pyramusic" Patchlist
 "Nexus Explorer"Patchlist

Pro Music is an english society (London) which distributed soundbanks on Atari ST self loading disks (3.5" floppy disks). They produced a 3 soundbanks set for the Korg M1.
Here is volume 2
(many thanks to Glynn Spaulding for his contribution). I'm still searching for volumes 1 and 3.
Any additional informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 "Songwriter Vol.2"

Command Development is an american society (Los Angeles, California) which released an Atari ST M1 editor called "M1 Command". It included a four soundbanks set named "Stocks 1-4". I only own volumes 1&4 from this set (many thanks to Glyn Spaulding for his contribution). Any additional informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 "Stock 1" (duplicate from the internal factory preload soundbank)
 "Stock 4"

Synthonia is a Synthcloud website which permits to independant sounddesigners to sell their products online.
In 2009, they placed an M1 soundbank (100 Progrs/23 Combis) inspired by rock bands like Dream Theater, Stratovarius, Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd.
 LDX18 "Legacy Sounds Pack" (100 Progrs/23 Combis)PatchlistOrder It

Chris Eaglechild is an american musician who published in 2019 an exclusive electric pianos, bells and bell tines M1 soundbank called "WESTCOAST Tines".
 "WESTCOAST Tines" (100 Progrs/no Combis - programmed by Chris Eaglechild)PatchlistOrder It

LFO Store is a russian website which is proposing soundbanks for hardware and software synths.
They produced since 2020 three M1 soundbanks programmed by Nick Klimenko.
"Analog & Ambient" (51 Combis/51 Progrs - programmed by Nick Klimenko)PatchlistOrder It
 "Cinematica" (51 Progrs/no Combis - programmed by Nick Klimenko)PatchlistOrder It
 "Organica" (100 Progrs/no Combis - programmed by Nick Klimenko)PatchlistOrder It

Off The Matrix is a website (certainly american, please confirm it) which is proposing diverse soundbanks for vintage synthesizers.
They developed an M1 soundbank in 2024.

 "Korg M1 Patches" (100 Progrs/no Combis)PatchlistOrder It

ManyMIDI Products is an american society (Beverly Hills, California - owner: Elmo Peeler) which developed huge sound libraries for several synth models.
Their M1 library is constitued of two sets for a total of 2'306 patches (Progrs banks only - no Combis).
All are organized in specific categories  (Pianos, Brass, Strings, Organ, Bells, Percus,...).

 ManyMIDI M1 Set#1 - Rhythm Section/Percussion/Special Effects  --  (20 soundbanks - 1'173 patches)PatchlistOrder It
 ManyMIDI M1 Set#2 - Orchestral/Synth (23 soundbanks - 1'133 patches)PatchlistOrder It

I know nothing about this company (country? city? owner?) excepted that they edited an M1 Atari Bankmanager delivered with a 32 soundbanks set.
As for the ManyMIDI library, this set is categorized (Pianos, Guitars, Drums, Organs,...) and is only constitued of Programs soundbanks.
(Many thanks to Glynn Spaulding for his contribution).
 M1 Bankmanager & SoundsPatchlistImage

Musitronics is a german society (Darmstadt - owner: Oliver Schwartz) which developed an expansion board card for the M1 including new internal PCMs.
This card is no longer available but you can still download on their website the soundbank joined with in SMF (*.mid) format (you can't use it if you don't own the related expansion board card).
 M1 EXDownload

SynthastiX is a german society (Undenheim) managed by Marco Pawlowski. They are proposing a new product (2018) which is an extension card - more precisely an emulation of PCM cards - which permits to store your own samples on it and then use it as M1 PCM waves.
 WaveReX  Order It

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