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A L L   T H E   W E B   P A T C H E S   C O L L E C T I O N

Bobby & TG77 manual
You can convert Yamaha DX7 sounds for your SY77


A L L   T H E   W E B   P A T C H E S   C O L L E C T I O N
I gathered here in a zipped (*.zip) folder dozens of SY77 soundbanks that I gleaned through the years by surfing on the Net.
Most of them were in fact SY77 file formats (*.t**, *.j** or *.k**) and I converted all in standard sysex (*.syx) format, in such a way that it will also be compatible and useful for TG77 owners (yes, I am one of those...). To open these specific SY77 files (only for your information), I used the Derek Cook's program "sy.factory" available here for a low price:

Sorry, I did not sort it out, you'll certainly find several duplicates in this folder. But you'll also have access to hundreds of sounds to "feed" your favorite synth.
As I downloaded all these soundbanks for free in the past, I may consider it as public domain material. Now, if you are the owner of one or several of these soundbanks and you do not agree that they are available on this page, please inform me via e-mail, and I'll retire it immediately.
Another precision: I eliminated from it several soundbanks which are in fact directly extracted from SY77 commercial supports (floppy disks, ROM cards) and distributed by regular societies such as Yamaha or Sound Source Unlimited (among others). Even if you can (or could) download it for free on different places on the Web, THESE SOUNDBANKS ARE STILL COPYRIGHTED !!

Click here if you need some help or indications on how to transfer these soundbanks to your SY77 !!


NEW - 2023-10-28 UPDATES !!
Here is a folder sent by Synthoxicated Pafreak (many thanks to  him!). It includes two soundbanks gathering his own personal programmations (available in both sysex and SY77 floppy disk formats).

You can hear a demo of it in these YouTube videos: Bank 1 (2022-08-08)  /  
Bank 2 (2023-09-25)

If you also want to share your personal creations, do not hesitate to send it to me via e-mail, and I'll post it here.
All patches published on this page become automatically free public domain material. 
Do not send commercial or copyrighted sounds but only personal programmations that you agree to share with others. Thanks!

As mentioned on the top of this page, Yamaha SY77/TG77 models can read converted DX7 sounds (at least a large part of them).
Here is a simple MS-DOS program from Tak Nakata to convert your DX7 sounds:



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