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Bobby cards

Here is a repertory including actual and discontinued commercial soundbanks that I collected since 20 years from ROM cartridges or floppy disks.
For each of them you'll find comments about company or sounddesigner and a detailed patchlist. Several of them also include image(s) from the original support.
This collection is not complete, if you have material that is not listed here, I would be largely interested in.


This page is organized in two sections:
1°/ ROM cartridges & floppy disks collection
2°/ Missing soundbanks (I mean the material that I'm still searching for...)


Companies/distributers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate societies which are still selling SY77 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files)
AnaloguesqueBlack HoleDigital Music Soft WareEasy SoundsElectric Himalaya
Eye & I ProductionsGreytsoundsHit Music ProductionsKäng-Kong ProductionsKid Nepro
LFO StoreMetra SoundMoebus Sounds+SoftwareMSPMusitronics
NEWTRONIC SoftwareNorthern ExposureOff The MatrixPatchman MusicPro-Rec
PROXENOSSound ArtSound Source UnlimitedSoundEngineSoundSations!
UnknownValhalaVoice CrystalX-ClubX-Lab Studio
XTrem SoundYamahaYCA

Sounddesigners/programmers (alphabetical order):
NOTE: cells with peach background color indicate sounddesigners who are still selling SY77 soundbanks via the web (most of them as sysex files)
Boddicker, MichaelDiemer, ClaudiusEscueta, T.Fernandez, MannyFrye, Bob
Gorges, PeterGrandl, PeterGroves, LeeHackl, TomHarrington, Jeff
Holzamer, JoergJanetzky, PeterKlimenko, NickMaccarini, MassimoMalacrida, Chiccio
Moebus, TheoMirabella, RaffaeleOlson, AndrewPeake, MikePeer, Scott
Penny, VincentPolich, DaveSzaban, RafaelValenti, AntoninoVarelmann, Rüdiger
Walther, ReneWarmers, VolkerWeichselbaum, MarkusWessling, HartmutWilson, Ian

Downloadable soundbanks are available in standard Sysex (*.syx), SMF (*.mid) and Midi Quest© (*.sqc) file formats
Click here if you need some help or indications on how to transfer these soundbanks to your SY77

Several of the Yamaha SY77 voice names contain a prefix which are Explained here

The japanese company produced and distributed four different series for its own synth:
a)  VC770*
ROM cards Series with 64 new patches each
S77** Series which were double ROM cards sets: one with an original new soundbank, the other one with new waveforms
c) EMS 77 (European Music Software) D00* voice disks Series (SY77 formatted 3.5" floppy disks)
d) Three 3.5" floppy disks ("Synthesizer Emulations",  "Michael Boddicker", "Special Selection from TG77") with no other specifications on it

e) A 3.5" floppy disk with six soundbanks labeled "European Collection" (also distributed by Easy Sounds)
F) Two 3.5" floppy disks with soundbanks and 24 sequencer files ("Sound Collage American Style" and "Sound Collage British Style") - Many thanks to the internaute who kindly contributed to it
 ROM1 soundbank (SY77)Patchlist
 ROM2 soundbank (SY77)Patchlist
 ROM1 soundbank (TG77)Patchlist
 ROM2 soundbank (TG77)Patchlist
 VC7701 Shofuku "ACT-1" PatchlistImage

 VC7702 Shofuku "ACT-2" PatchlistImage

 VC7703 R&D Tokyo Selection Vol.1 "Studio Player"PatchlistImage

 VC7704 R&D Tokyo Selection Vol.2 "90's Pop Source"PatchlistImage

 VC7705 JSPA Selection Vol.1 "Four Seasons"PatchlistImage

 VC7706 JSPA Selection Vol.2 "Brand New Sound"PatchlistImage

 VC7707 R&D Tokyo Selection Vol.3 "Synth Ethnic"PatchlistImage

 VC7708 R&D Tokyo Selection Vol.4 "Super Pad"PatchlistImage

 S7701 "Sax 1" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7702 "Drums 1" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7704 "Brass Section" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7705 "String Section" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7731 "Syn Wave 1" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7732 "Syn Wave 2" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7751 "Rock & Pop" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 S7752 "House & Latin" double ROM cards setPatchlistImage

 EMS 77 D001 "Best Of DX" floppy diskPatchlistImage

 EMS 77 D002 "MIDI Recording 77" floppy diskPatchlistImage

 EMS 77 D003 "European Chart" floppy disk (2 soundbanks - 128 voices)PatchlistImage

 EMS 77 D004 "Classical" floppy diskPatchlistImage

 EMS 77 D005 "One Man Band" floppy diskPatchlistImage
 "Synthesizer Emulations" floppy disk (2 soundbanks - 128 Voices)PatchlistImage
 "Michael Boddicker" floppy disk PatchlistImage
 "Special Selection from TG77" floppy disk PatchlistImage
 "European Collection" floppy disk (6 soundbanks - 384 Voices - also distributed by Easy Sounds)PatchlistImage
 DB-01 "Sound Collage American Style" floppy disk (2 soundbanks - 24 sequencer files) - Many thanks to the internaute who kindly contributed to it
 DB-02 "Sound Collage British Style" floppy disk (4 soundbanks - 24 sequencer files) - Many thanks to the internaute who kindly contributed to it PatchlistImage

SSU is an american society (Westlake Village, California) which developed complete sounds/samples libraries for a large collection of diverse synthesizers/samplers models.
It gathers a large team of programmers and sounddesigners (see their respective profiles here).
Their products were distributed by Greytsounds™ (Northridge, California - owner: Bob Grey) via their website since the mid 90's.
Sound Source Unlimited (SSU) was then renamed "Sound Source Interactive" (SSI).

Now it has moved to the "Great Sounds" website (Simi Valley, California - owner: Bob Grey) and soundbanks are only available as sysex files (no more ROM/RAM cards).
 They also sell their products via their eBay store.

There were a total of 17 ROM cards for the SY77 model.
 SY701 "Alchemy Collection"PatchlistImage
 SY702 "Platinum Collection"PatchlistImage
 SY703 "Manhattan Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY704 "California Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY705 "Rock&Roll Classics" (also known as the Northern Exposure "Rockabilly 1" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 SY706 "Atmospheric Textures"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY707 "Pop Music Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY708 "Film Textures" (also known as the SoundEngine SEP-022 "Film Textures" soundbank - programmed by M. Peake)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY709 "Urban Dance/Pop" (also known as the Northern Exposure "Dancing 1" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 SY710 "Wavestation Impressions" (SoundEngine SEP-023 "Wavestation Impressions" soundbank - programmed by M. Peake)Patchlist
Order It
 SY711 "Progressive Analog Textures"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY712 "Dual Element Drums & Percussion"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY713 "Dream Time Collection" (programmed by Tom Hackl)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY714 "Killer B3's" (also known as the Northern Exposure "Dancing 2" soundbank)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY715 "Radical Soundtrack"PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY716 "Industrial Cybertech" (programmed by Vincent Penny)PatchlistImageOrder It
 SY717 "Symphonic Collection"PatchlistImageOrder It

Pro-Rec is an american society (San Diego, California) which is selling a large collection of soundbanks for several synths.
They produced four ROM cards or 3.5" floppy disks for the SY77.
 SY77-1 "Wonder Dance"Patchlist
 SY77-2 "Power Synth"Patchlist
 SY77-3 "Ultrasound"Patchlist
 SY77-4 "77 Heaven"Patchlist

Valhala is a well-known american company (Ferndale, Michigan) which unfortunately went bankrupt on the early 90's.
They edited two different Yamaha SY77 ROM cards Series: "Studio Series" and "International Gold Series" (developed by Hit Music Productions - England, Farnham).
International Gold Series "B-772" soundbank is still missing to my collection (but I'm not really sure if this last one really exists...)

Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!

 Studio Series "Orchestral" PatchlistImage
 Studio Series "Rock" PatchlistImage
 Studio Series "Top 40" PatchlistImage
 Studio Series "New Age" PatchlistImage
 International Gold Series "B-771" (programmed by Lee Groves)PatchlistImage


SoundEngine is an american society (Seattle, Washington - owner: Scott Peer) which is apparently selling now - among others - products developed in the past by Technosis company.
They are proposing four SY77 soundbanks: two from SSU collection ("Film Textures" and "Wavestation Impressions" - programmed by Mike Peake) and two original ones ("Shades of DX" and "Dumb Luck" - programmed by Scott Peer).
 SEP-022 "Film Textures" (also known as the SSU SY708 "Film Textures" soundbank - programmed by M. Peake)Patchlist
 SEP-023 "Wavestation Impressions" (SSU SY710 "Wavestation Impressions" soundbank - programmed by M. Peake)Patchlist
 SEP-037 "Shades of DX" (programmed by Scott Peer)Patchlist
 SEP-038 "Dumb Luck"  (programmed by Scott Peer)Patchlist

Analoguesque is an american company (Charlotte, North Carolina - owner: Ian Wilson) which distributed a three SY77 soundbanks set (programmed by Ian).
Now, their products are available for free with courtesy of Ian (many thanks to the internaute who mentioned it to me).

 "Analog Dreams"PatchlistDownload
 "Digital Vortex"PatchlistDownload

Kid Nepro Productions is an american company (Brooklyn, New York - owner: Steve Proto) which is developing products since 1984.
They produced one SY77 soundbank  called "Mixed Bag".
 "Mixed Bag"PatchlistOrder It

Patchman Music is an american company (Brecksville, Ohio - owner: Matt Traum) which produced thirteen SY77 soundbanks.
Volumes two and thirteen are integrally programmed for a breath or wind controller use.

 "Volume 1"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 2"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 3"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 4"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 5"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 6"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 7"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 8"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 9"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 10"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 11"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 12"PatchlistOrder It
 "Volume 13"PatchlistOrder It

Metra Sound is a german company (Köln) which produced four SY77 ROM cards.
Their products are now delivered by Sound Art website (Dahlenburg, Germany - owner: Roger Person).
 Y-017 "Hit Bit's" (programmed by Peter Gorges)PatchlistImageOrder It
 Y-018 "Euro-Top" (programmed by Claudius Diemer)PatchlistImageOrder It
 Y-019 "Atmospheric" (programmed by Chiccio Malacrida)PatchlistImageOrder It
 Y-020 "Traditionals" (programmed by Chiccio Malacrida)Patchlist
Order It

Black Hole is a german society (city? owner?) which produced two SY77 soundbanks "Biosketh PadSeqs" & "Industrial".
Their products are now delivered via the web by Sound Art website.
"Industrial" soundbank seems to be sold out. Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 Y-034 "Biosketh PadSeqs" PatchlistOrder It

Käng-Kong Productions is a german company (Gielsdorf, owner: Thomas Klimisch) which distributed several SY77 soundbanks set:
- a set named "British Soundcollection" (2 soundbanks: "Entertainment" & "Synthetic" - produced by NEWTRONIC Software)

- a set named "Australian Soundcollection" (2 soundbanks: "Sydney" & "Psycho FX" - Tom Hackl's selection)
- a set named "Techno/Wave Soundcollection" (2 soundbanks - programmed by Rüdiger Varelmann - now available via the Sound Art website)
They also distributed a 3.5" floppy disk originally produced by XTrem Sound and named "Synth, Space & EFX" as the "Voyager" soundbank (please, correct me if I'm wrong!)
 "British Soundcollection" (2 soundbanks - produced by NEWTRONIC Software)PatchlistImage

 "Australian Soundcollection"  (2 soundbanks - Tom Hackl's selection)PatchlistImage

 "Techno/Wave Soundcollection" (2 soundbanks - programmed by Rüdiger Varelmann)PatchlistImage

NEWTRONIC Software is a british company (London). As mentioned on the Käng-Kong products table, their soundbanks were distributed by KKP as the "British Soundcollection" two soundbanks set.
Now, the volume 2 named "Synthetic" is in fact a compilation of two original Newtronic soundbanks . Here they are. I arbitrarily named it "Synthetic 1" and "Synthetic 2" by deduction; but please, correct me if I'm wrong.
 "Synthetic 1"PatchlistImage
 "Synthetic 2"PatchlistImage

Easy Sounds is a german society (Hamburg - owner: Peter Krischker) that changed owner in 2020 (Hans-Peter Henkel - Braunschweig).
 They distribute via the web a Yamaha SY77 4 soundbanks set ("Popular Synth", "FM-Fantasy", "Power Generator", "Dance Producer").
They also proposed in the past other SY77 sets ("Sound Collection Vol.1-4", "Best of DX7 Vol.1&2", "Bayern-Demo", "Soft Synth") which are no longer available.

Finally, they also distributed a 3.5" Yamaha floppy disk named "European Collection" with a six soundbanks set.
(Many thanks to the internaute who kindly permits to complete this set with soundbanks and images).
 "Popular Synth" (programmed by Peter Krischker) PatchlistImageOrder It
 "FM-Fantasy" (programmed by Claudius Diemer) Patchlist
Order It
 "Power Generator" (programmed by Joerg Holzamer) Patchlist
Order It
 "Dance Producer" (programmed by Joerg Holzamer) Patchlist
Order It
 PDD-SY77-01 "Sound Collection - Vol.1" (produced by PROXENOS - programmed by Peter Grandl) PatchlistImage
 PDD-SY77-02 "Best of DX7 - Vol.1" (2 soundbanks - 128 Voices) Patchlist

 PDD-SY77-03 "Bayern Demo"  PatchlistImage
 PDD-SY77-04 "Sound Collection - Vol.2" (by Markus Weichselbaum) PatchlistImage
 PDD-SY77-05 "Sound Collection - Vol.3"  Patchlist

 PDD-SY77-06 "Sound Collection - Vol.4 (New Age)" /  (programmed by Rene Walther)

 PDD-SY77-07 "Best of DX7 - Vol.2" (2 soundbanks - 128 Voices) Patchlist

 "Soft Synth" (3 soundbanks - 192 Voices - programmed by Peter Janetzky) PatchlistImage

Voice Crystal™ is an american company (Oakley, California - owners: Mark Wiens & Paul Chasteen) which is selling all Eye&I Productions products.
They are proposing two SY77 soundbanks.
 Voice Crystal 1 PatchlistImageOrder It
 Voice Crystal 2PatchlistImageOrder It

SoundSations! is an american company (Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan) which is proposing an eight categorized soundbanks set on floppy disk. They proposed it in the past on eBay, but it seems now that this set is no longer available.
 "Orch 1"PatchlistImage
 "Jazz 1"PatchlistImage
 "Rock 1" (also known as the Northern Exposure "Rockabilly 2" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 "New Age " (also known as the Northern Exposure "Good Vibrations 1" soundbank)PatchlistImage
 "Top 40"Patchlist
 "Orch 2"Patchlist
 "Latin 1" (also known as the Northern Exposure "Good Vibrations 2" soundbank)Patchlist
 "EFX 1"Patchlist

Claudius Diemer is a german sounddesigner who programmed soundbanks for Metra Sound and Easy Sounds company.
Now, it seems that he also commercialized himself an original soundbank named "Supersynth".


MSP (Mega Sound Production) is a german society (Mönchengladbach) managed by Volker Warmers, a sympathic synths lover (many thanks to him for his contribution). They are proposing one SY77 soundbank named "Glorious 77" (programmed by Volker).
 "Glorious 77" (programmed by Volker Warmers)PatchlistImageOrder It

Northern Exposure is an american society (city? owner?) who commercialized 3.5" SY77 floppy disks categorized by musical styles.
 "Dancing 1" (also known as the Sound Source Unlimited SY709 "Urban Dance/Pop" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Dancing 2" (also known as the Sound Source Unlimited SY714 "Killer B3's" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Good Vibrations 1" (also known as the SoundSations! "New Age" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Good Vibrations 2" (also known as the SoundSations! "Latin 1" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Rockabilly 1" (also known as the Sound Source Unlimited SY705 "Rock&Roll Classics" soundbank)Patchlist
 "Rockabilly 2" (also known as the SoundSations! "Rock 1" soundbank)Patchlist

DMSW is a japanese company which seems to be the continuation of ARK society.
 They distributed a 3.5" floppy disk for the SY77 labeled "Source" and named "Sound Data Vol.1"
I ignore if they produced other volumes.
Any informations about it or - best of all - a sysex version of it would be much appreciated!
 "Sound Data Vol.1" PatchlistImage

XTrem Sound is a german company (Köln - owner: Harmut Wessling) which produced a SY77 soundbank named "Synth, Space & EFX" (programmed by Hartmut).
This soundbank has also been distributed by Käng-Kong Productions as the "Voyager" floppy disk (please, correct me if I'm wrong.)
 "Synth, Space & EFX" (programmed by Hartmut Wessling - also known as the Käng-Kong "Voyager" soundbank)PatchlistImage

Electric Himalaya is an english website (London - owner: Rafael Szaban) which is distributing soundbanks for software synths and, among them, a soundscapes oriented SY77 soundbank (since 2016).
 "Pads & Textures"PatchlistOrder It

Two soundbanks programmed by Jeff Harrington as the "Ideal Order" Set (please, correct me if I'm wrong).
 "Ideal Order 1"  Patchlist
 "Ideal Order 2"  Patchlist

Moebus Sounds + Software is a german company (Boppard - owner: Theo Moebus) which produced a five soundbanks SY77 set named "Syper-Sounds" and programmed by Theo.
 Syper-Sounds "Volume 1"  (programmed by Theo Moebus)Patchlist
 Syper-Sounds "Volume 2"  (programmed by Theo Moebus)Patchlist
 Syper-Sounds "Volume 3"  (programmed by Theo Moebus)Patchlist
 Syper-Sounds "Volume 4"  (programmed by Theo Moebus)Patchlist
 Syper-Sounds "Volume 5"  (programmed by Theo Moebus)Patchlist

X-Club - which seems to have been previously named "X-Lab Studio" - is an italian society which distributed 3.5" floppy disks with several soundbanks on it.
Most of them were DX7 converted sounds (not listed here). But they also included new original SY77 soundbanks.
I added on this table (at the end) three soundbanks which were not distributed by X-Club but seem to have been programmed for X-Lab Studio.
I don't know the exact name of these three last soundbanks, a
ny additional informations about it are welcome!
 "Get Away"  (originally distributed by YCA - USA)Patchlist
 "The Muse"  (originally distributed by YCA - USA)  Patchlist
 "RM-MIX1"  (programmed by Raffaele Mirabella)  Patchlist
 "MM-MIX1"  (programmed by Massimo Maccarini)  Patchlist
 "Bank A"  (not sure about bank's name, perhaps "SonusLab"...  an X-Lab Studio product)  Patchlist
 "Bank B"  (not sure about bank's name... an X-Lab Studio product - programmed by R. Mirabella)  Patchlist
 "Bank C"  (not sure about bank's name, perhaps "SonusLab"...  an X-Lab Studio product)  Patchlist

LFO Store is a russian website which is proposing soundbanks for hardware and software synths.
They produced since 2020 two SY77 soundbanks programmed by Nick Klimenko.
 "Ambient Analog FM Patches"  (programmed by Nick Klimenko)Patchlist
 "Analog Dreams" (programmed by Nick Klimenko)Patchlist


Off The Matrix is a website (certainly american, please confirm it) which is proposing diverse soundbanks for vintage synthesizers. They developed a SY77 soundbank in 2023.
Soundbank was originally created on a SY99 model. So the effects are turned off when loaded into a SY77/TG77 model.
 "SY77 Patches" PatchlistOrder It

Here are several uncertain origin soundbanks which seem to have been commercial products. Any precisions or additional informations about it are welcome!
 "Unknown #1"  - A soundbank apparently produced by a society named "PCR"Patchlist
 "Unknown #2"  - Programmed by Antonino ValentiPatchlist
 "Unknown #3"  - Flip FM Productions (programmed by T. Escueta)Patchlist
 "Unknown #4"  - Apparently distributed by YCA (USA)Patchlist
 "Unknown #5"  - I know nothing about this soundbank...Patchlist
 "Unknown #6"  - I know nothing about this soundbank... perhaps "CD" = Claudius Diemer?Patchlist
 "Unknown #7"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Effects 1"Patchlist
 "Unknown #8"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Effects 2"Patchlist
 "Unknown #9"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Mixed 2"Patchlist
 "Unknown #10"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Percussv"Patchlist
 "Unknown #11"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Synth 1"Patchlist
 "Unknown #12"  - certainly german, seems to have been named "Synth 2"Patchlist
 "Unknown #13"  - certainly british, perhaps produced by NEWTRONIC SoftwarePatchlist
 "Unknown #14"  - certainly british, perhaps produced by NEWTRONIC SoftwarePatchlist
 "Unknown #15"  - I know nothing about this soundbank... perhaps "CD" = Claudius Diemer (as for the unknown soundbank #6)?Patchlist

Musitronics is a german society which developed an expansion board card for the SY77 including new internal PCMs. This card is no longer available but you can still download on their website the soundbank joined with in SMF (*.mid) format (you can't use it if you don't own the expansion board card).
 "SY77 PCM EX"  Download

Bobby cards


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